Concierge service

It’s our pleasure to take care of you

At Torre Palombara we believe that creating a network with the area allows our guests to have a more authentic experience during their stay.

We have already selected the best restaurants and trattorie for you – all located in the beautiful medieval villages or in the countryside nearby.

The restaurants and trattorie that we recommend are the same places where we love to go and where a spontaneous friendship has been established based on the same values and vision of the beauty and quality of our territory.
These are all locations where food, hospitality and atmosphere come together while respecting the tradition or innovation of our region.

If you wish you will always have a table booked in advance and a special welcome. Our services also include ticket reservations, wine tastings, cultural visits etc.

For any communication before and during your stay we are happy to help you also via whatsapp +393336464233.
Opening Hours Waterfall

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